What he wants are images/buttons for the FUD_CODE in post_common.tmpl to "automatically" insert [imgl] and [imgr] tags.
You can take the images I posted and cut away the background, or you can make your own.
Here is the code that goes into post_common.tmpl -> fud_code_icons
<a onclick="surroundText('[imgl]', '[/imgl]', document.post_form.msg_body); return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Image Left">
<img src="{THEME_IMAGE_ROOT}/b_imagel.gif" alt="Image Left">
<a onclick="surroundText('[imgr]', '[/imgr]', document.post_form.msg_body); return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Image Right">
<img src="{THEME_IMAGE_ROOT}/b_imager.gif" alt="Image Right">
[Updated on: Sun, 02 January 2011 16:10]
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