I have been trying to get the latest migration assistant to convert phpbb3 and keep getting stuck on a couple of things.
Running php5.2.17, Apache 2.2.19, MySQL 5.5.14 on WinXPProSP3 (just for test/dev - I use Linux for production)
1) The phpBB3 config.php uses $dbport variable. The connect script in the migration assistant apparently does not use $dbport but either assumes that the port will be read from the services file or php.ini, or assumes it will use the socket instead. Even though the port is defined in services (mysql-tcp) and the port is set in the mysqli section of php.ini, it doesn't seem to use it.
The only way I can get the convert.php to connect is by commenting out the $dbport setting in phpbb3's config.php and adding the port to the $dbhost variable ('localhost:3306'), and when I do that, the convert.php script will connect to the phpbb3 database, but that breaks phpbb3's access to the database.
2) The source phpBB3's data has some utf8 character-set data. It has occurred for me in the location field of the user table, but if it happens there I expect it would happen elsewhere as it encounters utf8 characters in other tables/fields as the conversion progresses past the user import. When it does, it fails to continue, giving this error (confidential info replaced with strings of x'es): E:\halftb\xxxx\FUDforum_3.0.2\fudforum\convert.php:751
) 1366: Incorrect string value: '\xEDa)' for column 'location' at row 1
Query: INSERT INTO fud30_users (id, login, alias, name, passwd, salt, last_visit, last_read, join_date, email, home_page, location, time_zone, sig, avatar, avatar_loc, icq, aim, yahoo, msnm, users_opt, theme) VALUES ( 1752, 'gxxxx7', 'gxxxx7', 'gxxxx7', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..xxxxxx', '', 1205384388, 1205384388, 1158515359, 'gxxxx7(at)hotmail(dot)com', '', 'Caracas (while in vacations Lecher�a)', '0.00', '', 0, '<img src=\"h t t p : / / testpc.xxxxx/fud2//images/custom_avatars/3989bd335ab62e53c32b638e45a83adb_1752.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" />', 0, '', '', '', 4387830, 1 )
WRT #1, I can deal with working around the change needed to make the connect work, but it is something you should add to your buglist. The different method phpBB3 uses, even if it's non-standard, shouldn't make the conversion fail; the difference should be handled in the phpbb3 conversion map or something, if by no other means, at least by concatenating $dbhost .':'. $dbport if $dbport is set, when building your connect string.
WRT #2, is there a way to make it accept UTF8 data? Is this a function of how the database or tables were defined in MySQL by the FUDforum 3.0.2 installer, or is it in a globals file or something, or is there a function within the convert.php that should be modified to add logic to convert the UTF8 characters?