Going from 3.0.6 to 3.0.9 I have an issue with the profile page in my modified theme.
it only loads the basic things (password), but shows only the headers of following 2 sections (collapsed, non-clickable, no +/- Buttons)
No modifications have been done on register.tmpl (this is original), so something else prohibits to show +/- buttons and to stay non-collapsed.
The is a JS error
index.php?t=register:393 Uncaught ReferenceError: min_max_cats is not defined
at index.php?t=register:393
(anonymous) @ index.php?t=register:393
Js.lib shows a JS function
function min_max_cats(theme_image_root, minimize_category, maximize_category, sq, s){ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var toggleMinus=theme_image_root+'/min.png'; var togglePlus =theme_image_root+'/max.png';
jQuery('.collapsed').prepend('<img src="'+togglePlus+'" alt="+" title="'+maximize_category+'"/> ') .addClass('collapsable'); jQuery('.expanded').prepend('<img src="'+toggleMinus+'" alt="-" title="'+minimize_category+'"/> ') .addClass('collapsable');
jQuery('img', jQuery('.collapsable')).addClass('clickable') .css('cursor', 'pointer') .click(function(){ var toggleSrc=jQuery(this).attr('src'); var cat=jQuery(this).parents('tr').attr('id'); var on;
jQuery(this).attr('src', togglePlus) .attr('title', maximize_category) .attr('alt', '+') .parents('tr').siblings('.child-'+cat).fadeOut('slow'); on=1; }else{
jQuery(this).attr('src', toggleMinus) .attr('title', minimize_category) .attr('alt', '-') .parents('tr').siblings('.child-'+cat).fadeIn('slow'); on=0; };
if(sq !=''){ jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php?t=cat_focus',
data: 'SQ='+sq+'&S='+s+'&c='+cat.substr(1)+'&on='+on
}); }
[Updated on: Sat, 26 May 2018 11:53]
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