ironstorm wrote on Tue, 12 February 2002 10:34 AM | this error when I omitted my birthday data... my SQL tool told me that bday cannot be NULL, when I tried to manually do the insert.
When I replaced my NULL bday with 1, it committed.
Quote: | Query Failed: INSERT INTO fud_users ( login, passwd, name, email, display_email, notify, notify_method, ignore_admin, private_messages, gender, icq, aim, yahoo, msnm, append_sig, posts_ppg, time_zone, bday, invisible_mode, last_visit, conf_key, user_image, join_date, location, avatar, style, coppa, occupation, interests, referer_id, show_sigs, last_read, avatar_loc, avatar_approved, sig, show_tool_tips, default_view ) VALUES ( 'Garth', 'ce81c61e53db9cbaf7cc3ceee60dcfea', 'Garth', 'Garth(at)email(dot)com', 'Y', 'N', 'EMAIL', 'N', 'Y', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Y', '0', 'America/Montreal', NULL, 'N', 1013526931, 'b5b4970762fcfc632b0f6c726db5d8b9', NULL, 1013526931, '', 0, 1, 'N', NULL, NULL, 1, 'Y', 1013526931, NULL, 'NO', NULL, 'N', 'msg' ) Reason: From: f:/php4/!forums/htdocs/register.php
Update: No matter if I put my birthday stuff in or not the SQL gets a NULL for bday and crashes out...
Bug fixed it latest cvs, (grab forum_install/install_data/sys/include/
it should fix the problem.
FUDforum Core Developer