admin: Admin avatar: Avatar: faq: F.A.Q. homepage: Homepage: icq_control_panel: ICQ Online-Message Panel icq_message_form: ICQ Message Message Form: im_aim: AIM Handle: im_msnm: MSN Messenger: im_yahoo: Yahoo Messenger: login: Login login_header: Login: inbox: Inbox no: No pmuserloc_login: Login: register_builtin: Built In register_login: Login: register_avatar: Avatar: register_icq: ICQ register_aim: AIM Handle: register_yahoo: Yahoo Messenger: register_msnm: MSN Messenger: register_reset: Reset buddy_search: Enter the login of the user you wish to add. post_normal: Normal post_color: Color coppa_fax_login: Login login_login: Login login_login_btn: Login rpasswd_login: Login qbud_nick_name: Nick Name single_msg_delete: You are about to DELETE a message titled: {VAR: data[3]}

thread_delete: You are about to DELETE the ENTIRE TOPIC titled: {VAR: data[3]}

delete_no: No error_error: Error err_info: Info emailconf_err_invkey_title: Error ignore_list_err_info_title: Info post_err_notowner_title: ERROR post_err_edttimelimit_title: ERROR report_err_nosuchmsg_title: ERROR report_err_cantreport_title: ERROR reset_err_invalidkey_title: ERROR ERR_systemerr_url: help_title: F.A.Q. msg_title: {VAR-HTML: frm->frm_name} => {VAR: frm->subject} thread_title: {VAR-HTML: frm->name} tree_title: {VAR-HTML: frm->frm_name} => {VAR: frm->subject} groupmgr_no: No userinfo_referals: Referred Users: post_re: Re: quicklogin_login: Login quicklogin_login_btn: Login register_jabber: Jabber Handle: im_jabber: Jabber: p_VISIBLE: Visible msg_err_nosuchmsg_title: Error imsg_err_message_title: Invalid Message imsg_err_message_msg: The message you are trying to view does not exist. poll_edit: Edit unspecified: UNSPECIFIED register_err_not_valid_img: The specified url does not contain a valid image register_err_taken_alias: The alias you are trying to use is already in use by another forum member, please choose another. register_alias: Alias register_allow_pm_msg: Allow Private Messages register_allow_pm_msg_desc: Allow other users to send you private messages via FUDforum. postcheck_pm_disabled: You cannot send a private message to "{VAR-HTML: v}", because this person is not accepting private messages. polllist_vote: Vote polllist_view_results: View Results polllist_name: Poll Name polllist_date: Created On polllist_owner: Created By polllist_votes: Total Votes polllist_action: Action userinfo_polls: Polls: show_pollist: Show Polls search_and: AND search_or: OR search_desc_order: Descending Order search_asc_order: Ascending Order search_logic: Search Logic: search_sorting: Sort Results By Date In: post_proceed: Proceed post_moderated_forum: You have made a post in a moderated forum, which means your post will not be made visible on the forum until it is approved by one of the forum's moderator(s) and/or administrator(s). post_moderated_forum_ttl: Moderated Forum Notice buddy_list_bday: Today {VAR: r[2]} turns {VAR: age} register_show_im: Show IM indicators register_show_im_desc: Whether or not to show IM indicators of the author beside their messages. unread_message: Unread Message threadt_disabled_ttl: Tree view of the thread listing has been disabled. threadt_disabled_desc: The administrator has disabled the tree view of the thread listing, please use the flat view instead. threadt_update: Browsing forum (tree view) {VAR-HTML: frm->name} threadt_more: <more> register_msg_tree_view: Flat thread listing/Tree message listing register_tree_msg_view: Tree thread listing/Flat message listing mmod_delete_cofirm_ttl: Topic/Message Deletion Confirmation spell_alts: no alternatives insert_uploaded_image: Insert image into message body finduser_help: The search engine will automatically add * mask to your query. ex. to search for all users who's login begins with an 'a', enter 'a' into the search box. back_to_top: Back to Top iemail_participate: To participate in the discussion, go here: pm_err_disabled_title: Private Messaging Disabled pm_err_disabled_msg: You cannot send private messages until you enable the 'Allow Private Messages' option in your profile. err_mod_acc_ttl: Unverified Account accounts_pending_approval: Accounts Pending Approval saved: Saved register_err_time_limit: The registration limit of 1 registration per {GVAR: REG_TIME_LIMIT} seconds has been reached. Please wait {VAR: reg_limit_reached} seconds and then try to register once again. login_blocked_account_ttl: Your account has been banned. login_blocked_account_msg: Your account has been banned from this forum, if do not already know the reason behind this action contact the forum's administrator(s). im_affero: Affero Username register_err_avatardimtobig: Avatar dimensions of ({VAR: img_info[0]}x{VAR: img_info[1]}) exceed the allowed dimensions of ({GVAR: CUSTOM_AVATAR_MAX_DIM}). pmsg_download_counter: Downloaded {VAR: r->dlcount} time(s) member_search:
Or use the Find User feature to find a person. post_all_ext_allowed: (unrestricted) buddy_offline: {VAR: r[2]} is currently offline buddy_online: {VAR: r[2]} is currently online sml_no_smilies: No emoticons available. login_unapproved_account_ttl: Unapproved Account login_unapproved_account_msg: The administrator of the forum had chosen to confirm each new account manually before activation. Your account has not yet been confirmed, therefor you will not be able to access some of the features avaliable to registered members until your account is approved. remove_from_buddy_list: remove from buddy list iemail_msg_author: Author: {VAR: obj->alias} iemail_msg_subject: Subject: {VAR: obj->subject} iemail_msg_date: Date: {DATE: obj->post_stamp %a, %d %B %Y %H:%M} iemail_msg_reply: Reply iemail_msg_quote: Quote iemail_msg_view: View Topic/Message threadt_sticky: sticky threadt_announce: announcement reported_no_messages: There are no reported messages. poll_no_polls: There are no accessible polls. no_unread_messages: There are no unread messages matching your query. thread_mark_all_read: mark all unread forum messages read thread_mark_all_read_desc: All unread messages inside this forum will be marked read private_no_messages: There are no messages inside this folder register_email_change_subject: E-mail change confirmation register_email_change_msg: Please confirm your new e-mail account "{VAR: uent->email}" that replaces your old e-mail account "{VAR: old_email}" by going to the URL below:\n{ROOT}?t=emailconf&conf_key={VAR: conf_key}\n\nOnce you confirm your new e-mail address, your account will be re-activated. iemail_thread_unsub: Unsubscribe from this thread iemail_forum_unsub: Unsubscribe from this forum primary_group_prefix: Primary group for forum: group_resources: This group controls permissions of the following forums register_email: Email register_admin_newuser_title: A new user has registered and their account is pending confirmation register_admin_newuser_msg: A new user ({VAR: uent->login}) has just registered on the forum and since account confirmation is enabled, their account will not become active until it is confirmed by you or other forum administrators. To review the account please go to: {GVAR: WWW_ROOT}adm/admaccapr.php\n\nThis is an automated process, do not reply to this message.\nIf you desire to turn off future e-mail notifications of new user registrations you can do so via the Admin Control Panel, by changing the value of the "New Account Notification" setting. post_mod_msg_notify_title: New message in forum "{VAR: frm->name}" pending approval post_mod_msg_notify_msg: A new message titled "{VAR: msg_post->subject}" was just posted in a forum that you moderate. To review this message go to: {ROOT}?t=modque\n\nThis is an automated process, do not reply to this message.\n thread_printable_pdf: Generate printable PDF thread_syndicate: Syndicate this forum (XML) reg_conf_title: Registration Confirmation reg_conf_email: E-mail Confirmation
An e-mail has been sent to you containing a special URL that you will need to access prior to your account being activated. If you do not receive this e-mail in the next several minutes, login to your account and make sure that the e-mail address you've specified is correct. Once you confirm your account you will be able to access the forum features available to the confirmed registered users. reg_conf_account: Account Confirmation
Before your account is made active it needs to be approved by the administrator(s), once that happens you will recieve an e-mail indicating that your account has been confirmed. Until that point you will be able to login to your account, however will not be able to access features limited to approved users. forum_banned_user: Your prior actions have resulted in you being permanently banned from this forum. Good bye. mnav_description: Message Navigator mnav_date_limit: Date range: mnav_time_unit: Date time unit: mnav_forum_limit: Only search In: mnav_all_forums: Search all forums mnav_submit: Begin Search mnav_no_range: You must enter a valid date range. This value can be a float (0.12) but it must be greater then zero. mnav_invalid_unit: You must specify a valid time unit. mnav_invalid_date: The date range you've specified is larger then the one allowed by the administrator, narrow down date range of your search. mnav_no_results: There are no messages matching query. mnav_posted_by: Posted By: mnav_more: More »» mnav_minute: Minute(s) mnav_hour: Hour(s) mnav_day: Day(s) mnav_week: Week(s) mnav_month: Month(s) mnav_title: Message Navigator mnav_update: Browsing Messages using Message Navigator pm_notify_subject: [{GVAR: FORUM_TITLE}] New Private Message Notification pm_notify_body_email: You have a new private message titled "{VAR: subject}" from "{VAR: from}" on the "{GVAR: FORUM_TITLE}" forum.\nTo view the message click here: {ROOT}?t=pmsg_view&id={VAR: pid}\n\nTo stop future notifications, disable "Private Message Notification" in your profile. pm_notify_body_icq: You have a new private message titled "{VAR: subject}" from "{VAR: from}" on the "{GVAR: FORUM_TITLE}" forum.\n\nTo stop future notifications, disable "Private Message Notification" in your profile. register_pm_notification: Private Message Notification register_pm_notification_desc: If enabled you will be notified the via your notification method of choice whenever a private message is sent to you. findu_admin_opts_header: Admin Opts. findu_unban: UnBan findu_ban: Ban findu_edit: Edit findu_delete: Delete