Alrighty then: be patient I've only been back at this for a few days after being away for 6 yrs, and to be perfectly honest I didn't know that much to begin with. so I am having to relearn as well as catch up with many changes.
No joy in downloading the fudforum installer from the github link you provided, I'll get back to it later but for now what I have done by the numbers:
1. uninstalled fudforum and xampp from drive f:, formatted drive f: and renamed it xamppserver and added an empty xampp folder. 2. Downloaded xammp Version 7.3.26 / PHP 7.3.26 (xampp-windows-x64-7.3.26-1-VC15-installer) from, and FUDforum_3.1.0 from (
3. extracted xampp files to f:/xampp (unselecting filezilla,mercury,tomcat,perl,webalizer, and fake mail from the menu), extracted Forum pkg. (Note: I took a peek at the code in F:\xampp\install install php file, and it appears to me to look for or create a partition on the drive so I assume that it requires the installer to function, so you can't simply copy the files and make it work?)
5. clicked on xampp-control to start server, start apatche, start mysql (ports displayed are 80,443 for apatche and 3306 for sql), open in firefox select phpmyadmin, databases, enter fuddb as db name and click create! and minimize screen.
copy fudforum file from downloads to f:\xampp\htdocs, expand browser and enter, and it shows The version of PHP on webserver as 7.3.26, start the installer, (Web Directory= F:/xampp/htdocs/fudforum/ Data Directory= F:/xampp/htdocs/FUDforum/ Forum URL= Click next, (Database Type=mysqlimproved, Host=, User=root, enter fuddb as database name), Click next, (Cookie Domain=, Click next, select forest green and English, Click next, enter passwords, (Admin Email=computername(at)127(dot)0(dot)0(dot)1), Click next, Finnished, so far so good no errors! click finished and get admin login!
These are the same steps I went through before following your instructions, except the Php version and that I properly uninstalled Xampp before beginning.
Admin Control Panel: click delete to remove install files, and up pops the devil! same error as before (Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in F:\xampp\htdocs\fudforum\adm\admbrowse.php on line 321 etc)each attempt to delete the install files from Admin Control Panel Simply opens a small window with the forum in it (it briefly showed the error codes then went to forums front page..
Expanding that window the forum appears to operate normally, all links open with errors only in admin panel, Went back and deleted fudforum installation files manually, reopens the second forum window, ran constancy check etc, it appears to work as advertised with the error only popping up in the files link upper left of admin panel, logout and close window.
open xampp from tray icon and close sql and Apatche, and quit. Eject and move flash drive to another port, (it still identifies as drive F: even after move to port E:) Restart of computer claims Xampp is still open as well!
However reopening drive and starting server clicking brings it all back with only the same file error above! that's good enough for now and will allow me to explore what all change you've made in the past few years. Now off to github!
"I'm a Witcher, I solve human problems; not always using a sword!"
[Updated on: Sun, 31 January 2021 16:32] Report message to a moderator